Kindness, respect and support are more important than ever when times are tough and we hope these resources help.

Need Help Now?

    • In emergencies call 111.
      • Call 111 if you or someone else is in danger or could be harmed
      • If it’s not safe for you to speak, stay silent, push 55 and you will be put through to Police

    • Safe to Talk Free call 0800 044 334 or free text 4334. A free, non-judgemental and confidential service if you have questions or need support around sexual violence.  They are available 24/7 with interpreters for 44 languages.

    • Call Youthline Free call 0800 376 633, Free text 234 or Webchat   if you are feeling stressed or down or just need to talk.

  • Here is a full list of services available for sexual and family violence                

  • Ask – Ask what the people around you need and how they are feeling.

  • Listen – Listen to the people in your bubble and to your own feelings and needs.

  • Respect – Respect each other’s boundaries. You and everybody around you deserve to be treated with respect and care.

  • Reflect – Take a little time to think about how you are feeling, think about what helps you feel calm and good. Take time to talk with the people in your bubble about how things are going and how you can support each other.


    Be kind to yourself as well as the people around you.

  • We might all need a little more space right now. It’s ok for people to need more or less space in their own bubbles. Always respect each other’s  boundaries. Communication and respecting people’s personal space can help keep everyone safe and ease the tension in your bubble.

  • It’s ok to leave your bubble to get help. Helplines and support services are essential services and are here for you if you need them. There are help numbers at the top of this page or for more information on your local support options check out this page

  • What if my bubble isn’t safe?

  • If the situation in your bubble is unsafe or life-threatening you can leave your bubble immediately, and seek help from a neighbour or friend. Once there you can reach out to the Police, or Woman’s Refuge. If you are in this situation or concerned for someone else, find out about the support available for family or sexual violence.

  • Don’t stress in silence, reach out and ask if someone is doing ok if you are worried about them.

  • New Zealand Family Violence Clearing House has some really helpful practical tips on how you can respond if you are worried someone you know might be experiencing violence or abuse.

  • Please feel free to share these resources as widely as you would like and to use them within your school, organisation or community in any way that works for you. We ask only that you do not alter the images and that you use them in a way that supports our kaupapa of creating communities free of sexual violence, where people are enjoying respectful relationships and sexuality free from pressure, coercion, harm or violence.

  • If you wish to change or adapt the resources/images to adapt them to the needs of your community or you have a project you would like to collaborate on please get in touch by emailing

 Want to download all the images? Click here.

  • If you are looking for information on education programmes please contact

  • Finally we’d like to take the chance to say a huge  thanks to Hight Design Studio for putting together the graphics for this campaign.